Subscription FAQs
Why is my magazine being hand delivered?
The publisher has chosen to have subscriber copies hand-delivered. This gives the publisher more control of time and day of delivery. Copies are typically delivered directly to subscribers’ apartments or doors and delivered in a more timely and consistent manner than is possible via the UPS.
When should I expect delivery?
Expect delivery in the early morning. Day of delivery varies by publisher.
May I request that my copy be left with the doorman or concierge?
Yes. Contact our Customer Care group to make the request.
What should I do if I don’t get my magazine or it’s delivered damaged?
Let us know as soon as possible by completing the Report delivery issue form. Based on issue availability, we will attempt re-delivery within 48 hours of notice. If the issue is not available, we’ll adjust your expiration date.
May I suspend delivery while I’m on vacation and resume it when I return?
Yes. Give us your directions by completing our Suspend-Resume Delivery form. Please note: you must tell us when to resume service when placing your suspension request. Your expiration date will be adjusted accordingly.
Will you hold my magazines while I am on vacation?
We can, but only when requested. We will hold and deliver them on your return date. Call or email us with your hold request.
Will you temporarily mail issues to me at my vacation home?
We will, but only when requested. We’ll need the addresses, both of your primary residence and vacation home and the dates you will be away. Call or email to request this service.
How do I change my delivery address?
Call or email our Customer Care representatives. We need both your current and new addresses to complete a change of address.
What is my subscription expiration date?
Email or call us and we’ll look it up for you.
How do I cancel my subscription? Will I get a refund?
To cancel, it’s best to contact the publisher directly. We are a delivery service and do not have access to your subscription account or to the monies you paid for your subscription. Only the publisher can issue refunds. Contact your publisher’s subscription services as follows:
New York magazine subscription services
The Nation subscription services
The Week subscription services
Time Out New York subscription services, by email or by phone at 888-438-8669
What about back issues of the magazine? Are they available?
Some are. For fastest service, email the title of the magazine and issue date(s) you seek. We’ll look through our archives to see if they’re available and get in touch with you.
What about digital access to my magazine?
Digital content is available but publishers vary in terms of how they provide access. Some require registration or a subscription. For more information about access to digital content, see the publisher’s website.
Contact MagsExpress Customer Care
By phone, 800-738-3003
By email,