If your multi-channel marketing includes print, it's time to try AD.
Alternate Delivery puts the reach of the nation’s newspaper and TMC adult carriers to work for you. With market saturation, AD is highly customizable, on-time and far less costly than the USPS, FedEx, UPS and other options.
It's immediate (deliveries can be scheduled, next-day or rush). It's flexible (we can deliver periodicals, catalogs, advertisements, dimensionals and packages) and it's local. Our headquarters is in New York City. We service all of NYC and manage affiliates who service other major markets nationwide. Moreover, AD is customizable, trackable and is far less onerous in terms of pre-distribution prep. Plus, our carriers are bonded and deliver 365 days a year. Isn't it time to test AD?
AD is the future of local delivery.
- It's not the USPS
- Costs can be as much as 30% lower than postage
- Penetration among NYC household and commercial addresses is nearly 100%
- We've earned authorized access in even secure buildings
- Individual copies may be personalized
- Bulk copies may be an excellent way to prospect via targeted saturation.
MagsExpress gives you low cost and so much more.
- You control day of week and time of day of delivery
- Time delivery to coincide with other marketing efforts.
- Forget postal regulation compliance and deflection tests
- We require minimal prep
- We can pick-up at your printer
Take a look at our NYC direct delivery area. Outside NYC, rely on our network of affiliates who will provide the same accurate, reliable and customizable delivery service from our affiliates – we’ll make sure of that.
It’s easy to get started. We’ll walk you through the start-up process.
Save money & eliminate postal uncertainties with MagsExpress alternate delivery. Get a quote.